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OCT 12-15

Potato Dreams of America

Half dark comedy dystopia, half cheeky autobiography, Wes Hurley explores his own history and that of his mother Elena, their survival through the chaotic and violent years of Perestroika in Vladivostok, Russia, and their rocky emigration to America. An innovative, creative, and singular style brings the audience into their life of hardship in the Soviet […]

My Name is Pauli Murray

Fifteen years before Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat, a full decade before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned separate-but-equal legislation, Pauli Murray was already knee-deep fighting for social justice. A pioneering attorney, activist, priest, and dedicated memoirist, Murray shaped landmark litigation—and consciousness—around race and gender equity. As an African-American youth raised in the […]

I want to get in the loop for the
Utah Queer Film Festival!